Compass Recovery College

Student Charter and Code of Conduct

All participants must agree to and abide by the attendance agreement.

The first part of the attendance agreement is our college charter, this outlines what you can expect of us and what we will expect of you.

Code of Conduct

I agree to Behave in a manner that fosters respect and understanding.

I agree to Treat what is discussed during the workshop with complete confidentiality

I agree to only access online sessions in a safe and confidential space, and will ensure my camera is switched on for the duration of online workshops

I agree to Refrain from the use of alcohol, street drugs and smoking (including vapes and E-cigarettes) whilst attending workshops

I agree to Engage with course facilitators and will try to participate during workshops to the best of my ability, i understand it is my choice to share personal experiences or not as we go along. 

If you exhibit unsupportive behaviour in our group workshops, it is at the discretion of the Compass staff to ask you to stop attending until you are able to participate in a way that supports the group environment

If we are concerned about your welfare or behaviour, we may have to ask you to leave. A member of the team will explain the reasons and offer support.


Compass will contact anyone found to be in breach of any part of the attendance agreement to discuss and to find a way to move forward.

Each case will be assessed on an individual basis, Compass Recovery College reserves the right to remove you from the service for a set period of time, or indefinitely if the agreement is broken.

Attendance policy 

Due to the High demand for spaces at Compass, we operate a registration policy.

Participants may register for any three mental health or wellbeing workshops in a term. This does not include Drop-in sessions, which participants are free to attend on an ad-hoc basis as suits them.

Upon registration spaces will be allocated for each workshop on a first come first serve basis, once a workshop is deemed Full, participants will be then added to a waiting list for that session.

Please note – you will need to reregister every term even if you have previously registered.

We ask that all participants respond to the Confirmation request sent 10 days before the workshop beings.

Participants Must Confirm Within 3 Days of receipt of that request. Any person who does not respond within the three-day window will subsequently loose their reserved space and it will be offered to the next person on the waiting list.

Once a space has been confirmed, it is the responsibility of the participant to inform Compass if they will not be able to attend or if they will be late to the session.

Sessions have a 10-minute entry window, 5 minutes either side of the published start time. Any participant who enters a session outside of this window will be denied access unless previously agreed with Compass.

Those who do not attend the first session in any 2 session workshops will not be permitted access to the second session.

Any participant who misses more than 50% of a workshop will be removed from the sessions.

It is the participants responsibility to inform Compass of any absence.

Failure to comply with the attendance policy may results in withdrawal from service.

Health and safety

Compass Recovery College follows Government Guidance and Reading Borough Council Health and Safety Policy and Procedures, along with those of the venue or site where the activity is taking place.

All our activities and venues/sites are assessed for risk and steps are in place to manage these risks. A copy of this is available to read at every Compass session.

All sessions have at least two co-facilitators present: a Compass staff member, Compass volunteer and/or tutor, to ensure full support to the group.

Staff give a tour of the venue/site facilities, outline emergency evacuation and any other specific procedures. First Aid is provided by first aid trained co-facilitator or venue staff.

Please stay home if you have symptoms of Coronavirus, cold or flu, or are unwell in any other way, on the morning of a Compass session. Also stay home if you have tested positive to Coronavirus in the last 5 days.  This will help stop the spread of infection.

On arrival at the venue, or during the session, if you present with or develop symptoms of Coronavirus, cold or flu, we will ask you to return home, as above.